Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So as presentations come to an end, well minus the three for Friday, I am coming to the realization that I might not be ready to graduate, but alas I must fare forward in my young travels and find a new stomping ground to explore.

I have enjoyed listening to each and every one of you present you papers (with the exception of last Friday which I am sorry I missed due to a dr. apt) your thoughts, your dreams, your imaginations, your faith in the future--as well as the past, and the connections you all have made. You all have opened my eyes to a whole new way to thinking. Seeing beyond myself and beyond the tip of my oh so cute Cindy Loo Woo nose. (JUST KIDDING!!) But honestly all that I have heard in this class has been uplifting, even the dreary parts are uplifting because I know that I have gained more from this one semester than I have my entire college career. This might be because I have actually taken time out of my personal life to focus on the material that Dr. Sexson picks out for us. If I would have just opened my eyes two years ago I might have a bit more under my belt, but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles and I must move on to a bigger cookie a more delicious cookie, one the size of my head or rather one the size of the world!

I am so glad that I got to experience Capstone the right way, though stressful at the end, the stress is a sign that I too have grown and have found meaning in my education. I care for it, I cherish it, I plan to use it. And how Mick was so excited and joyous explaining his paper, it made me realize that even with all the stress and the many pages of paper waisted to revising, I too enjoyed the experience of writing my 'final' paper. I had the experience and missed the meaning, until Mick reminded me of the moment and I was there--again--immersed in the writing, the flow of fingers on the keyboard. Thanks Mick for reminding me of the meaning.

Every day that goes by, we are closer and closer to the end of our college river--some of you might be thinking of grad school, so your river is extended filled with larger rapids and sharp rocks. But for those that aren't thinking of grad school right away, or at all, our river is widening, into a delta, an estuary were the sea water mixes with the fresh water, and we are forced to learn how to live in a different environment. Its scary to think that I am going to have to learn how to live in salt water when I've been relaxing in the freshest of fresh waters--I guess it's a good thing I grew up by the biggest ocean of them all :)

And Victoria you me happy today with your third section quote (my favorite): "You are the music/While the music lasts" I read this line over daily, It brings me to the moment we are in now, forgetting the future is before us and the past is behind. We all march to a different drum line, and yet find a common note that we all can hear, feel, enjoy, as well as appreciate.

Cudos to all of us! And the three for Friday!


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