Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dry Salvages: Music Spheres and Epiphanies

Towards the ending of Dry Salvages the hint towards a musical epiphany jumps out of the page with silence: 

"For most of us, there is only the unattended
Moment, the moment in and out of time,
The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,
The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning
Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all, but you are the music
While the music lasts."  (lines 206-212)

We've all heard the phrase "the music is inside you" and "feel the music."  Music does not have to have sound to it, you can feel it in your body, making emotions change, taking us to places far away, places we've never been, places that we have been, even places that do not exist. Music is around us daily, because we make music inside ourself. Humans are made up of rhythm. We walk to a certain pace, and talk fluidly (or at least try) with others. Listen to yourself one day, and the sounds around, the sounds of literally, Life. The cars, the train, doors, turning pages, footsteps, the click of the keyboard, the tick of the clock, or even a few carrots and a stick or two of celery. It all could be and has many times been turned into music.  
If we look further on down in the poem, it says:

Here the impossible union
Of spheres of existence is actual,
Here the past and future (lines 216-218)

When I read it i see sphere's floating around us, like the echos from Burnt Norton that Kevin mentioned in class and on his blog. They are there waiting for us to find, to jump into the bubble of inner music, the music that we are, "while the music lasts." It reminds me of this Rhapsody commercial

Music is epiphany, it is divine, it is spiritual, and connects people across the world.  Music has the power to heal, and to cause a reaction. Animals of all different species use their own music to communicate. Birds are the most obvious singers of the animal kingdom, singing the morning into existence, and singing the world to sleep, singing to warn each other, and singing to attract mates, sometimes it seems like birds sing just for the pure enjoyment of it. Then there are the whales underneath the sea, singing songs to others just like birds do. Frogs, and toads calling to one another in a rhythmic pattern, music is all around us. The first form of music was not from an instrument, no it was from deep within our soul, our voices made the first music. Rocks our percussion, a reed our flute... we simply need to listen just a little closer to what we actually are hearing...

Music runs through our veins, standing on top a mountain, looking over the world a peaceful or perhaps triumphant song echos in our mind from times past, and possibly times in the future. 

I see Music as a great connector of all 4 Quartets. And I hear my own tune as well.


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